Thursday, August 7, 2008

Old People and Jr. Highers

So this week I have been all over the board with whom I interact with. On Monday I had to teach a Bible Study for my grandma's small group which was quite the experience; good in some ways yet bad in others. For starters it was a picnic first before I gave my lesson and I showed up in basketball shorts, a Reds jersey, flip-flops, and a hat while everyone else was in stuff that is too formal for me to wear to a funeral (just an exaggeration but you get the point). So I felt underdressed and the leader of the small group was an elder which meant that he was my boss so from the beginning I was thinking they were probably all judging me for my non-formal attire at a picnic. This kind of left me with the impression of the fatalistic fundamentalist mentality from them which says if you don't adhere to our ridiculous standards that are not mentioned in the Bible your not a Christian, and it is this Christian fundamentalist mindset that makes many people, myself included, not like many Christians for being judgmental and shying away from simply loving people who are sinners. They are essentially just Christian pharisees. So I wasn't too happy with the whole I need to dress formally everywhere. 

I taught another lesson earlier this year for a church Bible study, but before I got there my grandma got mad at me because I was going to teach in sandals. She said that when we go before God we should wear our best. I simply reminded her that Jesus was a poor homeless man that wandered around in tattered clothes and sandals to love people and that we are called to be like Jesus, who didn't care about his appearance. Well she told me that it wasn't the same and today and that as a minister I needed to impress people. I left the argument before I really hurt my grandma's feelings but I can't help but think that all of this stupid stuff contributes to the downfall of Christianity as a religion and makes us fall away from simply being devoted followers of Christ. When my grandma started to say I needed to impress people I just have to disagree. The only opinion I should truly care about is God's and his approval for what I do with my life. Now unfortunately I do care what other people think, but not to the point where I feel I have to impress them with my clothes. You see, when we start thinking that we should impress people with how we look - clothes, hair-styles, cars, houses, and any other material things that elevate our position - we start worshipping our image rather than submitting to God and I would have to say all of us, not just the old fundamentalists, are a part of this all the time."First, worship is not something done solely by Christians or 'spiritual' people. rather, because everyone was made to worship God, everyone is in fact a worshiper whether or not he or she has any religious or spiritual devotion." (Mark Driscoll, Vintage Jesus, pg. 165)

So all that aside teaching the older people was kind of fun because they thought I was amazing simply because of the fact that I am a young guy going into the ministry. Oh, and they think the corniest jokes in the world are hilarious. For example, I planned on being this lame simply because I knew it would get a laugh out of them, I had no idea what to speak on so I put like 3 of my ideas together and I told them this: "Syncretism is the blending of religions and beliefs, well I call this 'Bradtism' and the blending of my thoughts." I know it is completely retarded but they all thought it was hilarious. So in that respect they are kind of fun to teach.

Then on wednesday I took twenty Jr. Highers down to a Reds game which was an experience I don't wish to revisit anytime soon. First off, Jr. High kids think they know everything. They thought I was wrong on every point and don't understand that they are completely wrong in almost every aspect of what we talked about. Some dumb conversation about Northern Kentucky being part of the Greater Cincinnati area (which it is). A friend of mine put it really well when he said Jr. High kids = suck because they think they are awesome when in reality they are just really awkward. That being said they are annoying but kind of cool because they think I'm cool which makes me like them. Oh and I get to threaten them. Like we were sitting at Skyline and a couple of the guys started squirting hot sauce in each other's drinks and I yelled at them saying if they didn't stop I was going to take the hot sauce and squirt it in their eyes. Yes, I know it is a weird threat. Yeah well my semi-venting session is now over and you can go think of how dumb I am to write about this pointless stuff.

1 comment:

Felipe Colby said...

People make judgements based on what we wear, how we have our hair, piercings, etc. It is natural, and it is not going to fade long as we are on this earth. Sterotypes are a natural, necessary fact of life.

While we should not let people's intial impressions of us allow us to change what we know to be true and right, there is something to be said for on the other end not pushing people's buttons on purpose (not that I am saying you did that) or challenging culture norms by wearing non-accepted clothing.

If we want to reach out to those around us, should we not respect what they consider as respectful dress? Do we not do that here when we go places? Romans 14...if they are weak in their faith in that aspect, we should not thrust our strogness in their faces (or what about vegetarians...or people who think x brand is sin for them, or...quite a few other topics of conversation) If that means wearing a tie to Church or not wearing sandals, but makes them more receptive to hearing the Word instead of staring at your feet, is it not worth it? Maturity comes for different people at different times...although it frustrates you about others judging you for your dress or whatever, do you not find yourself doing the very same thing in a different way from time to time? Dressing to impress is only a valid point if we mean impressive upon them the Word and the love of Christ. If we are dressing to get our own selves puffed up, then yes, that is placing the emphasis on the wrong place.

Well, you may not think people read this, but you know at least one person did now. I hope my random musings on what your brought up is edifying in some way. I do not expect you to change your view, just thought I might over a slightly different perspective. Always good to think about these things...what really are we basing what we believe, and more importantly what we do, on in our lives? Honestly answering that sometimes is a way we grow in Christ.

Preach on brother, preach on